Timmis Residence
This charming 5-acre property nestled in the woodlands of The New York City reservoir systems in the Town of Katonah, New York provides an opportunity to create outdoor spaces that allow the users to take advantage of the beautiful natural…
Radley Residence
In the rolling meadows and open pastures of the hoarse farms of North Salem, New York sits a quaint cottage on top the hillside know as the Radley residence. A new entrance gate, cobblestone apron, hoarse fencing and hoarse-head pillars…
Rosenberg Residence
Through the development of several schematic designs an overall master plan was developed for this very difficult site. The site, which sits in the hillsides of Chappaqua, New York, was very limited in the amount of usable space due to…
Pollock Property
This unique site, which is situated on a peninsula of the Long Island Sound in the City of Rye, New York, was developed with landscape materials to provide a refreshing environment. The existing seawalls and stone ruins of the private…
Petrella Residence
Several landscape designs were developed for this practically difficult hillside site located in the farmlands of Katonah, New York. By providing multiple designs it allowed the homeowner to choose from several different design options. The main criteria throughout the design…
Johnson Residence
A series of terraced garden walls and planting beds were created to provide access and connection to a new installed lower lawn. A curved deck and stairway was also created to give function and connection to the interior spaces. Extensive…
Isnardi Residence
The existing site was in desperate need of repair from failing retaining walls, a step system and an overgrown and under maintained landscape. A complete site renovation included demolition of the entire retaining system and providing new retaining walls, steps…
Moskowitz Residence
A master plan was developed to enhance the sites physical appearance as well as provide better functionality of the user’s spaces. Upon the owners request an English garden theme was developed incorporating a new pergola, which accentuates the allee of…